Water based dyes are dyes which are dispersed in water and are typically made up of soluble or dispersible colorants. Solvent based dyes are dyes which dissolve in organic solvents like acetone, alcohol or toluene.
Comparative analysis of water based and solvent based dyes is as under:
- Versatility
Solvent based dyes can be used on various surfaces including metals, plastics and non-porous materials. Water based dyes are typically suitable for porous surfaces. Thus, solvent based dyes tend to be suitable for wide range of applications.
- Colour Fastness
Water based dyes usually provide bright and intense colours providing excellent colour retention and colour fastness. Solvent based dyes tend to have a lower level of colour fastness especially when exposed to environmental factors like sunlight.
- Drying time
Solvent based dyes tend to dry faster on account of evaporation of the organic solvents. Water based dyes require a longer time compared to solvent based dyes. Hence in industrial applications solvent based dyes are preferred.
- Resistance
Solvent based dyes exhibit more resistance to chemicals and solvents as compared to water based dyes. Hence in applications where exposure to harsh substances is required, solvent based dyes are preferred.
- Compatibility
Water based dyes are compatible with natural substances like cotton, wool, silk and can also be used in synthetic fibres with additional treatments. Solvent based dyes are versatile and can be used on various surfaces including plastics, metals, glass and non-porous surfaces.
- Cost effectiveness
The raw materials used in water based dyes are less expensive compared to the cost of organic solvents used in solvent based dyes. Thus in large scale manufacturing processes, water based dyes are preferred.
- Applications
Water based dyes are commonly used in the textile industry & paper and printing industries. Solvent based dyes have applications in the plastics, packaging and automotive industries.
DU Organics manufactures various dye intermediates which are used in a wide range of industries. For obtaining more information with respect to the same, visit our website or contact us today!